Turtles are facing many dangers both at sea and land. They have many enemies who reduce their number. However, their biggest enemy is the irresponsibility of humans who destroy their environment, their home. Below we present the reasons that lead to the extinction of turtles.
Natural enemies
The basic natural enemies of turtles are animals and man. For instance dogs, birds and seals often attack turtles which are their food. Especially the young ones.
Also men are so dangerous for turtles. For example, a man walking along the beach can destroy buried eggs. Also there are many poachers who are stealing eggs turtles. Those eggs in some regions of the world are a real delicacy. Besides, adult turtles are also chased by these poachers. However, most often adult turtles die because they are entangled in fishing nets.
The skin of turtle is so delicate. In fact, a glass or needle can easily prone intersection. Even a broken plastic bucket could hurt the extremities of the turtle. But a truly dangerous thing is the rusted can which may stick into the skin and cause many problems. Even the smallest injury can lead to an infection which may cause death.
Harmful substances are dangerous for everyone. When these substances come from ships and factories, they can get into the sea very easily. As a result the sea water can be contaminated. Therefore turtles would be ill. Also, the eggs of turtles are exposed to the fact. Remnants of the cleaning products and medicines quickly pollute the beach and get into the eggs. For sure, the most harmful substances are those which decompose slowly, because they are exposed for long time in the environment. These substances are, for example: glue and paint for furniture and footwear, plastics, batteries.
Obstacles in digging
Turtles possess strong limbs, which they use to dig. Digging for them is very hard and digging with garbage is much harder. Probably the most obstacles are: plastic bags, bags used for vegetables, nets of fishermen, tires or diapers. Many of them are not visible on the sand, because they have disappeared under the ground, sometimes to a depth of 0,5m.
Beach or dump?
When we go to the beach near Kazanli we sometimes see nice sand and shells and sometimes too much garbage. But the nice view does not always mean that the beach is clean. Huge garbage dump may also lie under the sand. Once the garbage is seen on the surface, it is easy to collect, but one day of rain is enough to bury it underneath. Regardless of you can see or not, garbage poses a great threat to the turtles. The less we take care of the beaches, the more we see dead turtles, as in the pictures below, and eventually they are going to disappear from our environment.